
SIDs Arrive in Coolham

After many years the first Speed Indicator Device (SID) has been fitted in Coolham outside the village hall by which has been wholeheartedly welcomed by local residents.

Abrahams Well

It was fantastic to see our local community down at Bakers Lane in October, as a group of local history buffs cleared 50 years of vegetation away from Abrahams Well which is the only remaining known natural spring in Shipley Parish or for miles around.

Shipley Paygate

Work has finally been completed on the blocked culvert that has led to all the flooding just by Shipley Paygate on the A272, an unresolved conundrum for over a year now, but one that should never now repeat itself.

Shipley Church

It has been all go down at St. Mary the Virgin in Shipley in recent weeks both on the Church itself and in the church-yard. With all the wet weather we had over the Autumn one of the grand old oaks backing onto Church close came down within a whisker of the graves below.

Weald To Waves

2022 saw the launch of the exciting new Weald to Waves initiative spearheaded by several large landowners including the Knepp Estate together with Horsham District Council, and the Sussex Wildlife Trust to safeguard the most valuable areas for nature and potential wildlife migration routes, highl

Shipley Reliquary

A historically significant artefact was unveiled last month as the Shipley reliquary was finally returned to the District and immediately loaned to Horsham Museum of Art for local people to enjoy.

Upgraded Rusper Road Roundabout

The roundabout connecting Rusper Road South with Rusper Road North and crossing the A264 has been completed. The outflow of traffic from Holbrook has really sped up and the long queues that went at snails’ pace are a thing of the past, the layout ensures steady traffic management.