Patrons Club
Horsham Patrons Club is a separate membership organisation within the Association. The primary focus of membership is to support the Association by being involved, but not committed to its everyday work. Patrons is a fundraiser group, where from time to time we ask for assistance from our Patrons Members.
Membership affords an unparalleled opportunity to attend the most convivial of dinners at prestigious London venues and to hear, under Chatham House rules, the inside take on current political issues by some of the most influential Conservative politicians of the day.
We hold three main dinners per year in London, where we invite senior government ministers to address members. Since this club was formed, Patrons have heard from the following Cabinet Ministers;
The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP as the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Victoria Atkins MP as the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Minister for Afghan Resettlement and the Rt Hon Alister Jack MP Secretary of State for Scotland.
There were no events held in 2020 due to the global pandemic of that year.
The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP as the then Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, the Rt Hon James Cleverly MP as the then Chairman of the Conservative Party and the Rt Hon Geoffrey Cox QC MP as the then Attorney General,
The Rt Hon Penny Mourdaunt MP as the then Secretary of State for International Development, the Rt Hon Philip Hammond as the then Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Rt Hon Gavin Williamson MP as the then Defence Secretary.
For further information see the links on the left.
For further information on the Patrons Club in the first instance please contact
Karen McGovern - Administration Manager, Horsham Conservative Association
p: 01403 242000